These unique outdoor fireplaces originate in New Zealand and can transform your backyard into a lovely living, relaxing and entertaining space.
If you are loooking for a way to transform your outdoor living space into something special, then youa re at the right place. There is a plethora of information at the Flare website, go check it out…
We are actively looking for businesses who would like to install our outdoor fireplaces, specifically in Minnesota. If you have interest in being part of our team, then let us know. Click here for more info.
If you would like to partner with us and include Flare Fires in your lineup of products, we would love to hear from you. Click here
Fireside Design LLC
These are cement outdoor fireplaces, built to last a lifetime. You can custom order your Flare Fire in a configuration and finish you prefer. These units can be installed by yourself or installer of your choice.
Here are just a few benefits Flare Fires adds to your Home
- Ambiance and Warmth
- Focal point for your backyard and patio
- Add value to your home
- Extend your backyard use to 4 seasons
- Create and outdoor living space

Fireside Design LLC is a landscape design company with Flare. Not only do we offer design services, we also have a beautiful product that adds focus to your backyard oasis. Fireside Design LLC is the Exclusive US distributor of Flare Fires New Zealand, outdoor fireplaces that provide year-round heat & ambiance, plus, you can utilize as an outdoor kitchen to cook on. We are bringing into the United States 4 outdoor concrete fireplaces and 1 metal fireplace that sits on a concrete base that can be turned depending on the direction of the wind.
Flare Fires can provide a lot of enjoyment. They can add light, heat, and an interactive experience that really enhances your time spent outdoors. The fire feature adds a lot of ambiance to your space. After all, there’s nothing quite like sitting by the fire.
Flare Fireplace
- You sit primarily in front of it as opposed to around it.
- It makes a bit more of an elegant architectural statement on your property.
- The smoke is directed up and out of a chimney.
- It takes up less space on your patio as it can be built on the edge.
- It can also be part of a pavilion, which can be used even in rainy weather.
“This is a custom – Built For You product”
The Experience of a Flare Fire.
When you think of a fire feature on your property, are you thinking about roasting s’mores, gathering around it, and having more of an “interactive experience?” All this can be done with a Flare Fire and so much more. Flare Fires is a good fit for families with children who envision themselves spending a lot of time around the fire.
One of the great things about Flare Fires is that they are modular. Which means you can customize the fire to suit your space and taste. Check out this video for all the options you have for the design.
While Flare Fires are modular, after they are installed, they are not meant to be move, so it’s important that it’s something you want to spend a lot of time around as it can take up a significant portion of your patio. But it can also really enhance your experience. It is also important to ensure that placement avoids the predominate wind direction passing the face of the fire.
If you’re thinking more about a fire feature in terms of ambiance, then Flare Fires is the better perfect choice. No matter which Flare Fire you choose, they will all give you heat and ambiance. It also has a sense of elegance to it. A Flare Fire is often built as part of the structure of a pavilion and is ideal for creating a seating area with entertaining in mind.
Set the Mood with an Outdoor Fireplace
If you find yourself dreaming about having an outdoor space that’s perfect for entertaining and relaxing, you’re in good company. More than 60 percent of architects report that outdoor living spaces are the most popular “special function” area today — and 56 percent of homeowners aren’t just dreaming about having one, they’re acting on it and making updates to their yards for entertaining. It doesn’t seem to matter what the age they are – Americans love their outdoor spaces. Studies have shown that outdoor rooms are important to 85 percent of Millennials, 83 percent of Gen Xers, and 74 percent of baby boomers.
So why are outdoor spaces so popular now? One reason is they extend the square footage of your home for entertaining without the significant expense of building an addition. And those spaces do more than bring years of enjoyment to your family and friends – they will pay off when it comes time to sell your home. In fact, spending 5 percent of the total value of your home on quality landscaping can add as much as 15 percent to the value of your home – and make it easier to sell. That being said, it’s important to choose amenities for your outdoor space that provide a good return on investment, such as outdoor fire features and fireplaces.
Flare Fires
Flare Fires are not only beautiful additions to any space but also bring real value and functionality to a space. Flare Fires is modular in design with 6 components but 100’s of ways that it can go together. You have a choice of Tuscany (rounded shoulders) or Boston (squared shoulders) style; as well as, either Modern or Traditional finish & polishing. All of this means that not only can you have a fire assembled at your place in just hours, but you can also add components to suit your space.
Here are just a few benefits Flare Fires adds to your Home
1: Ambiance & Warmth
No matter what type of outdoor fireplace you add, they all produce warmth and comfort, helping people connect and unwind. The ambiance of a real fire is unmatched, and this is a big reason why realtors frequently say that an outdoor fire is the most sought-after outdoor living feature, second only to a pool. But let’s face it, a pool can only be used in the summer. Flare Fires can be used year-round.
2: Focal Point to Tie Together Patio
Flare Fires work tremendously well at tying together a patio or outdoor living space. Like how the fireplace is often the focal point inside the home, a Flare Fire acts much the same way providing a natural gathering point. It can also be the framework of outdoor space, providing structure for the creation of an outdoor room.
3: Add Value to Your Home
As mentioned above, an outdoor fireplace is the second most sought after outdoor living feature. Because it is so desirable, the return on your investment for adding a Flare Fire is very high. Fireplaces in general produce the greatest returns for any renovation in the home, and the same can be said for outdoor fireplaces. According to the National Association of Realtors, adding an additional fireplace to a home (indoor or outdoor) can increase asking price for the home by as much as 12%!
4: Flare Fires are Four Season
Enjoy the outdoors longer with a Flare Fire. The warmth and comfort of the fire allows you to use your outdoor space year round. Flare Fire accessories like the Spark Reducer on the chimney and a Stainless-Steel curtain door on the front of the fire make it so that you can use it year-round. Also, outdoor fireplaces allow you to use your patio later into the evening -even during the peak of summer. The warmth generated will keep you plenty warm and the beautiful orange glow will thrust plenty of light into your space so you can enjoy your patio all night long! Not to mention on those super hot summer days/nights you can cook outside just like you do using your oven and not heat up the house.
5: Cooking Accessories
Flare Fires are the pinnacle to amazing backyard cooking. Whether you want to grill some burgers, reverse sear some steaks, smoke some fish, cook a chicken on the rotisserie or bake some bread, You can do it on with a Flare Fire.
These are the accessories that make it all possible
Standard Cooking Frame – including cooking handles fits Cast Iron or Stainless-Steel Grill and or Hot plate.
Stainless-Steel Swinging cooking frame. Ask us how 2 swing frames are better then one.
Log Guard
Pizza Oven Kit – includes stones and crisper.
Smoker kit – is installed into the chimney.
Ember Poker/Rake
Extra Cooking handles
Night guard
Stainless Steel Spark Reducer
Pizza peel
6: Five Fires – Same Straightforward Installation
Flare Fires have four concrete fires and one Cor-Ten Steel Fire to choose from.
The Deluxe – Firebox placed over single woodbox.
The Premier – Firebox placed over top of two woodboxes and the ideal height to cook and entertain. (Most Popular Model)
The Executive – Firebox placed lower with woodboxes placed on either side.
The Senator – Firebox centered over 3 woodboxes. Providing plenty of space for preparing food as well as entertaining.
Martello – Cor-Ten Steel fire with optional rotating base and cooking options.
During the warmer months the center of any home is the patio. From entertaining guests to just relaxing after a hard day at work – the patio is key to the enjoyment of the home. It is a place to laugh with loved ones, share a delicious meal, or unwind and take in some fresh air.
If you are like most people we meet, your patio is functional but at the bare minimum. Upgrade your patio and upgrade your life by adding the following 5 key elements for the ultimate outdoor living space.
1.Outdoor Fireplace
Just like in the home, the fireplace is the hub of all great patios. Countless hours of enjoyment are waiting to be had with your fire. A Flare Fire creates a focal point, a stunning visual, helps to define the space, and best of all – can extend the patio season to year-round if that is what you want!
2. Comfortable Seating
This can make or break your outdoor room. Big comfortable lounge chairs make the patio an inviting place to sit, relax, and have a drink during the warm summer evenings. Do away with the cheap plastic furniture on your patio. The best patio’s these days have large executive style armchairs with oversized cushions for hours of enjoyable comfort. Adding comfort doesn’t have to cost a fortune either. There are lots of styles to choose from to match your ideal outdoor room.
3. Outdoor Kitchen
Tired of running in and out while your guests relax on the patio? Don’t want the house warmer than it needs to be from using the oven in the summer? Every great patio needs a Flare Fire. Having a place to prep, cook and prepare all located in the same area will go a long way to creating a more functional patio. Cook dinner and entertain at the same time while your guests sit back and kick their feet up in your aforementioned extra comfy lounge chairs! Even on a budget the Martello, Flare Fires Cor-Ten Steel fire with optional rotating base can be used to cook a pizza, grill a steak or smoke some fish.
4. Custom Lighting
Lights set the atmosphere, plus aside from any fire features they are typically the only source of light as the sun sets. Just because the sun is down doesn’t mean the party has to end. With so many solar options you can light up the night no matter where your patio is situated. No more burying hydro lines or running extension cords!
5. Do Something Different!
Differentiation is the key to anything memorable. Get creative, take risks, add that something extra that will get all your guests really talking. Add some exotic plants, get a cool new water feature, or add Flare to your patio with a Flare Fire. Whatever it is, if it’s unique it will make your home stand out and help up your patio game!